Canister therapy is a method of treatment and rehabilitation using specially trained dogs.
Can dogs not only listen to a monologue about the events of your work day, but also help solve serious psychological problems, become a psychologist?
Scientists are still arguing whether dogs are descended from wolves, foxes, or coyotes. One thing is certain: dogs have been helping humans all along. They were domesticated even earlier than agriculture. Their “career” began with hunters and shepherds, and now there are more than 15 professions: guide dogs, rescue dogs, sled dogs. Dogs can also detect cancer in humans, monitor sugar levels in diabetics, find prohibited substances, make movies and much more.
One of their professional occupations is canisteropia (from the Latin sapis – dog + Greek therapeutic – treatment). This method of treatment and rehabilitation has been around for a long time and is now gaining momentum. Specially trained dogs visit orphanages, boarding homes, nursing homes, hospitals, libraries and schools. In the U.S., staff psychologists come together with dogs to the sites of tragedies.
The concept of “therapy with animals” was formulated by the American expert in the field of child psychiatry, Boris Levinson, in 1960. He noticed positive dynamics in children in sessions with his own dog. Since then, the method of treatment began to gain popularity in the West. Already in the XVIII century, there were positive results of experiments, when in a psychiatric hospital patients were involved in the care and communication with animals. The chief physician at York Retreat Hospital in England believed that by caring for creatures even weaker than themselves, patients would strengthen their faith in their own strength.
Not only dogs, but also cats, horses and dolphins are used in therapy with animals.
Why are dogs so popular?
A dog’s temperature is higher than a human’s, which is why we enjoy tactile contact with our four-legged friends so much.
Dogs can’t lie or pretend – so they’re easier to trust than humans.
Dogs don’t care how much you make, whether you’re sick, and so on, they love unconditionally.
According to research from Washington State University, even 10 minutes with a dog lowers your levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
According to the German Ministry of Education and Research, dog owners are 25 percent less prone to depression, cardiovascular diseases, and they have lower blood cholesterol levels. The owners of pets live 4-5 years longer than their peers who do not have a dog.
If even the simple everyday communication with a dog at home improves the condition of the human nervous and cardiovascular system, the purposeful therapeutic communication has a much more powerful effect. The list of conditions and disorders for which canisterapia can be effective is quite large: stress, depression, crisis situations, aggression, hyperactivity. The method is also used in work with autism, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. Interaction with the dog helps in socialization, relieves anxiety, calms and relaxes.
Canister therapy is divided into non-directed and directed therapy.
Female woman working with her dog during therapy dog
Non-directed is a regular interaction with your own dog where you give each other positive emotions. Directed, on the other hand, has a program where a professional and a specially trained dog are involved and the results are monitored during the sessions.
Also, the participation of dogs in the treatment process is divided into active and passive. During active canister therapy, the animal is fully involved in the patient’s activities. During the session, the dog is groomed, fed, given various commands, and there is constant tactile contact, which contributes to the development of motor skills. The patient and the dog work together on various exercises, which helps them to acquire useful skills and increases their independence.
The dog is able to motivate even the youngest patients. For example, a walk on a leash is useful for those with locomotor disorders, and the opportunity to give commands or read aloud to the dog is useful for those with speech problems.
Passive therapy does not involve tactile contact, but only observing the animals, talking about them, drawing, reading or watching movies. Even this form of canister therapy through images brings tangible results, and in addition, it gives one the opportunity to practice when there are allergies.
What kind of dog is suitable for this occupation? The main condition is the absence of aggression towards people. In addition, the dog must love tactile contact, be stress-resistant and easy to train. The breed is not so important here: it can be a spitz, a Labrador, a “mongrel”.
There are practically no contraindications to canisteropathy. Only allergies and phobias can interfere with full-fledged exercises, but even this can be corrected with a correctly chosen method.
For those who want to learn together with their dog this new, but developing profession in our country, it is important to remember – it is a great work for both the man and the fluffy partner. Do not forget that the dog is a living creature. It can get sick, tired and not ready for a lot of work.
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